To use the Text Element, you first need to select it or drag and drop it where you want it placed in your Blast.
We utilize a widely-used text editor called Froala. It offers a modern HTML based text editor, designed for text creation that meets today's web standards. The features available for text creation and formatting are listed below.
Tools in the first row of the toolbar
Font Family
Font Size (PX)
Text Color
Add Personalization Field
Tools in the second row of the toolbar
Add or apply numbered list
Add or apply bulleted list
Insert or apply link
Text alignment
Line height
Clear formatting
More Miscellaneous Tools
Tools in the miscellaneous toolbar
To access these, click the three vertical dots at the end on the second toolbar row (shown above).
Paragraph Style
Gray: Turns text Gray.
Bordered: Adds black border lines above and below text.
Spaced: Adds 1 pixel space between letters.
Uppercase: Changes all letters to uppercase.
Paragraph Format
Apply heading formats 1-6 and default paragraph (body) format.
Increase Indent
Decrease Indent
Strike Through
Background color (Highlight)
Note: If a Header is applied after a new Font Size has been selected, the Header itself will be applied, but the selected Font Size will remain.
Layout Options
To learn about the layout options available for the Blast Elements, or to learn how to set default custom fonts and colors for your Blasts, check out these articles.
Pro-Cerkler Tip: When using Copy and Paste into the Text Editor, there can be a few unexpected occurences depending on the source application.
When possible, we recommend pasting text without formatting applied, then applying formatting and links in our editor.
If you are experiencing copy and paste issues inside the Text Element, please check out our article: Copy and Paste Issue Troubleshooting.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.