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Subscribers Overview

Audience Members, Opt-in Status, Subscribers

Maddy Rieman avatar
Written by Maddy Rieman
Updated over 6 months ago

Subscribers are the Audience Members who receive News Digests or Blasts and have access to any Content you have published in your Cerkl Instance. To go to your Subscribers page, go to Audience > Subscribers.

Recommended Reading: To learn more about additional functions of the subscribers table, we also have articles on how to:

Subscriber Details

On this page, you will see several default columns of information, all of which can be used to filter Subscribers:


The Subscriber's first and last name, as well as the Subscriber's email address. This is the email address News Digests or Blasts are sent to.

​Administrators in your Instance will have a purple crown icon next to their name, while Team Members will have a gray chess rook icon next to their name.

Clicking the ellipsis menu button to the right of the Subscriber's name and email address will display options to Edit, View, or Unsubscribe the Audience member.


The Segments that the Subscriber is part of. Segments are used to target Content or Blasts.

Opt-in Status

The Subscriber's delivery status: Email Blasts Only, News Digests Only, Email Blasts and News Digests. To learn more, please review: Explaining Opt-in Status.

Date Subscribed

The date the Subscriber was added as a new Audience Member within your Instance.

Date Personalized

Shows who has completed the personalization process. Below are the four different pieces of information that can be shown in this column:

  • Empty: If the column is empty, that means the Subscriber has not received the Welcome Email. This could be because they are not opted-in to receive News Digests or the Welcome Email was toggled off in Audience Controls when they Subscribed.

  • Date: If this column only shows a date, that means the Subscriber completed the personalization process on that specified date.

  • Date + Resend Welcome Email Link: If this column shows the date and a Resend Welcome Email link, this means a Team Member has completed the personalization process on that specified date. The mail icon in this column allows Team Members to resend the Welcome Email to themselves to see what it looks like.

  • Resend Welcome Email Link: If this column only shows the Resend Welcome Email link, that means the Subscriber received the Welcome Email at some point, but has not yet gone through the personalization process.


The level of tracking and personalization for the Subscribers. Hover over the icon in this column to see the Subscriber's privacy level:

  • Personalize my experience (default).

  • Personalize my experience but do not learn about me.

  • Personalize my experience but do not report on my activity.

  • Do not personalize my experience. Note: Team members with Full Admin privileges will see the Resend Welcome Email for subscribers and team members, even after they have personalized.

Privacy options are included to comply with GDPR (EU's General Data Protection Regulation). To learn more, please review Subscriber Privacy Settings.

Audience Table Actions

Add and Remove Columns

Your Subscribers table can be edited to suit your display preferences using the Edit Table button in the upper right corner:

In the Edit Table menu you have the option to add and remove attribute columns or even rearrange their order. For a deeper dive, we recommend reviewing: Customizing your Audience table.

The data that is available for display in the Subscriber's table can be selected by an Administrator in Settings > Attributes. To learn more, please review Subscriber Attributes.


To filter your Subscribers click the +Filter icon at the top of your audience. On this page, you can filter by relevant attributes and columns which have been added to your table from the Edit Table menu.

For more information about Filtering your audience, please review How To Filter Your Audience


To search for a name or email on this page, use the search bar (located in the upper right hand corner of your screen).

For more information, please review: Searching for a Subscriber.


To sort each column, click the column header to select the header, then to toggle between ascending or descending options.


If you want to export this list to a CSV file, you can also export all or a filtered list of Subscribers by clicking the Export button at the top right corner of the Audience table.

For details on exporting Audience data, please review Exporting Your Audience To CSV.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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