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Blast Audience Overview
Blast Audience Overview

Target, Segments, Interests, Individual Recipients, Send to Everyone, Blast Editor, Audience Section, Builder

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over 9 months ago

In order to starting sending your Blast, you will need to select the Target Audience from the Audience section of the Blast editor.

Inside the Audience section, you can select to send to Everyone or a Targeted Audience.


Selecting the Everyone button, your Blast's Audience will be sent to all Subscribers. You will not be able to edit the targeted Segments, Interests, or Individual Recipients if you select Everyone.

When Everyone is not available as an option, this has been disabled by your team admins from Controls. If you require the option to send to everyone, discuss with your team leadership about enabling the option to Send to Everyone.


With the Targeted button, you will be able to use the Audience Builder to target Segments and Interests, as well as add Individual Recipients outside of the Audience Builder.

Audience Builder

Click the Audience Builder button to begin adding Segments and Groups based on Interests to your Blast Audience.


To select Segments to target, click the appropriate Access Permissions tab matching the Segments you're looking to use. The Access Permissions options include:

My Segments

Lists all Segments where you are the creator.

Shared With Me

Lists Restricted Segments where you are included as Shared With. Administrators will see all Restricted Segments in this filter by default.


Lists Segments that are available for all Team Members with relevant permissions. These Team Members will be able to see, edit, and use these Segments.


Lists all of the above grouped together - this is a great way to view results when searching for a Segment, but you're not quite sure which Filter it might belong under.

If you have a lot of Segments across your team, you can type search to narrow your results based on the Name of the Segment or the Name of the Segment Creator.

When viewing results, you'll see: Segment Name & Type, Segment Creator, Created Date, Access Permissions, and Audience Count.

Click Add to the right of the Segment Name to add it to the Target Audience.

Don't worry! Our system knows if someone is included in multiple Segments where there may be overlap when building your Audience. We will only send one Email to that Subscriber.

Target by Interest

The Organization Category Interests you select will add Subscribers that have interest in those Categories to your Blast's Target Audience.

To select interests to target, click the drop-down arrow under Target by Interest and search for the Categories of interest you want to target. Then, click on the Category name from the drop-down list to add Subscribers with interest in that Category to your Blast’s Target Audience.

Match Options

After selecting the Segments and Interests to target, you will have the option to choose Any (default) or All under the Target Audience panel next to Interests.

For a review of the difference between these options, please review: Target Audience Any vs. All

Target Audience Summary

The Target Audience panel on the right of the Audience Builder provides a total count of Subscribers who will receive the Blast, paired with a percentage of your current audience total currently targeted.

You'll also see a list of Segments which have been added, and any Interests.

If the count of Subscribers under Segments and the total count above don't match or meet your expectations, there are a couple reasons this may occur:

  1. Overlapping Subscribers. A Subscriber is included in multiple Segments, so they will be listed under each Segment, but only sent 1 Blast.

  2. Bounced Subscribers. Bounced Subscribers are still listed in the Segment total, but will not be sent a Blast.
    For more information, please review: Bounced Overview

Individual Recipients

You can add up to 10 Individual Recipients to your Blast's Target Audience.

To add individual email addresses, click + New Recipient to search for the Subscriber by typing their email address. When you see the email, select it from the list to add that Individual Recipient to your Blast's Target Audience.

Review the Target Audience List

In the Target Audience box, you will see the number of Subscribers your Blast will be sent to. Simple click on the Target Audience box, and it will open an Audience Preview window.

In Audience Preview you are able to review the Target Audience list and even search for specific subscribers via name and email address to ensure you've targeted the correct Subscribers.

After you finish building your Audience, you may be ready to Send. Check out this article for information on how to schedule or send your Blast.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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