Bounced Overview

Not Delivered, Bounced Audience Members, Bounced Email, Bounce Reason, Filter, Export, Resolve

Rachel Folz avatar
Written by Rachel Folz
Updated over a week ago

To view all of the emails in your Instance that have bounced, go to Audience > Bounced.

To learn what a bounced email address is, check out this article.


By default, you can view the following information associated with each bounce: ID, Segments, Date Bounced, and Reason.

  1. ID: The name and email address of the bounced Audience Member.

  2. Segments: The Segment(s) the bounced Audience Member was in.

  3. Date Bounced: The date the Audience Member bounced.

  4. Bounce Reason: The reason the email address bounced.


If you want more details on a bounced Audience Member, you can either click their name OR click the three dots to the right of their name and select View for more information. In this pop-up modal, you can resolve a bounced email address as well as view some other great information about the Subscriber.

Subscriber Details for Bounced include 2 Additional Actions not available elsewhere:

  • Resolve Email: When an email address is entered wrong, it may bounce. Choosing to resolve an email will allow you to change it to a new email.

  • Delete Email: Allows you to remove the email from your audience entirely.

To learn more about the Subscriber details modal, check out this article.

Other options available by clicking the three dots to the right of the Subscriber ID are:

  1. Edit: Displays a pop-up modal with editable Subscriber information.

  2. Clear Bounce: Clears the bounce reason and returns the Subscriber to your active Audience.

  3. Delete: Deletes the Subscriber and all associated information, including Insights.


  • Filtering: To filter this page, click +Filter (located in the upper left hand corner of your screen). Below are the filtering options on this page:

    • Filter by Bounced Date

    • Filter by Segment

  • Sorting: To sort each column, click column header and select ascending or descending options. Below are the sortable columns on this page:

    • ID

    • Date Bounced

    • Reason

  • Searching: To search for a name or email on this page, use the search bar (located in the upper right hand corner of your screen).

  • Exporting: To export this page to a CSV file, click the Export button (located in the top right of the screen).

  • Clear Bounce: To clear a Bounce Reason for a specific user, select the โ‹ฎ Ellipsis menu to the right of the ID field, then select Clear Bounce.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.


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