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How to Use Audience Bulk Actions
How to Use Audience Bulk Actions

Select Multiple Subscribers, Bulk Unsubscribe, Change Opt-In Status, Update Segments, Set Privacy

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over 9 months ago

The bulk action function is used when you want to perform an action on multiple audience members at once.

For Example: You want to unsubscribe all the Subscribers in a specific Segment. Instead of unsubscribing each Subscriber individually, you could filter by the Segment they are in and use a bulk action to unsubscribe all the Subscribers at once.

Select Multiple Rows

To use the bulk selection function, click to "check" the box to the left of each row that you want to select, or Check the box at the top of left of the table to select all Subscribers on the current page.

After at least 1 row is selected, bulk actions will appear at the top of the page.

To learn how to Filter your Subscribers before performing a bulk action, check out this article.

Tip: If you want to select more than the default 50 rows per page, Yyou can increase the row count up to 1,000 from the Rows Per Page drop down at the bottom of the page.

Subscriber Bulk Actions

The bulk actions available on the Audience > Subscribers page:

Update Segments

When you click Update Segments, you can add or remove the selected Subscribers from a Manual Segment using one of the following options:

  • Add to segments

  • Remove from segments

When you click Set Privacy, you can change the privacy level of the selected Subscribers to one of the following options:

  • Personalize my experience

  • Personalize my experience but do not learn about me

  • Personalize my experience but do not report on my activity

  • Do not personalize my experience

When you click Set Opt-In Status, you can change the opt-in status of the selected Subscribers to one of the following options:

  • Email Blasts and News Digest

  • News Digest Only

  • Email Blasts Only

  • Unsubscribe

Deselect All

When you click Deselect All, all currently selected subscribers will be deselected.

Bounced Bulk Actions

From the Bounced Audience list, the bulk actions that are available are Delete and Deselect All.

Selecting the Delete action will fully remove the Subscribers and all associated data. Because this action cannot be undone, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion after selecting this option.

Be careful when Deleting these users - If you utilize an Audience Integration, Subscribers may be re-added to your Subscriber list and could potentially Bounce again resulting in negative affects toward your sender reputation.

We recommend keeping users as Bounced until their email address is verified and set back to Subscriber status via the Clear Bounce option. For more information about Bounced Audience members, please review: Bounced Overview

Segment Bulk Actions

The bulk actions available on the Audience > Segments page:

Update Access Level

Change the Segment Access Permission to either Restricted or Global for the selected Segment(s). When changing from Global to Restricted using Bulk actions, the default selection of Creator and Administrators will be applied - Each Segment will need individual edits to their Access Permissions if you'd like to add Team Members after the Segment is Restricted.

If you selected multiple Segments which are a mix of different Access Levels, all selected Segments will be set to or kept at the chosen Access Level.

Important: If you are not the Creator or an Administrator, when you use Bulk actions to change Global Segments to Restricted, you will lose access to the Segment(s). You will need to ask the creator or an Admin to add you to the Shared With users for the Segment(s).


Selecting Delete will permanently delete the Segments for all users. Because this action cannot be undone, you will be prompted to confirm the deletion after selecting this option.

Deselect All

When you click Deselect All, All currently selected subscribers will be deselected.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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