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Audience Controls

Welcome Email, Personalization Process, GDPR, Resend Welcome Email

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over a week ago

The settings for Audience Management, Personalization, Welcome Email, and Privacy & Security are available in their own Audience Controls page.

You can locate your Audience Controls under Audience > Controls, or Settings > Audience Controls. Below are details about each section and the feature functions when toggled off or on.

Reminder: When you have finished making changes, you must click the Save button (located in the top right corner of your screen) to save your new Audience Controls settings.

Audience Controls Options

Welcome Email

Send Welcome Email

Toggled On: Welcome Emails will be sent to new Subscribers.
When this is toggled on, every current Subscriber that has not yet been sent a Welcome Email will be sent one immediately.

Resend to Non-Personalized Subscribers

When you click this button, Subscribers that have not gone through the personalization process will receive another Welcome Email as a reminder to go through this process. For more information, please review: How To Resend The Welcome Email

Audience Management

This option lets you select the limits set on the ability to add, remove, and synchronize your Audience. We recommend discussing this setting with the Support Team, Customer Success Manager, or Implementation Project Manager to determine what's best for you.

Manual and Integration

Allows your team to add and remove Subscribers manually, anytime. You can also utilize an Audience Integration with this enabled.

Integration Exclusive

The Cerkl Instance will be limited to Audience Members who were added by an Integration only. This option will prevent accidental addition or deletion of Audience Members.

Subscriber Options

Allow Unsubscribe

Toggled On: Allows your audience to unsubscribe from your messages.

This should ONLY be disabled if your organization is private/internal. If this is disabled and an email is sent to a subscriber outside of your organization's administration, it could be considered a violation of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003.

Privacy and Security

Show GDPR Compliance

Toggled On: Your organization’s Cerkl will be GDPR compliant. To learn more about GDPR please review: GDPR Compliance

Restrict Domains

Toggled On: A restriction will be placed on which email domains can be added to your Cerkl via import or integration. This feature is only available for INTERNAL communication accounts.

For more information, please review: Restricting Domains

Audience Control Links

At the bottom of the Audience Controls page, there are two separate links:

  • What is GDPR?

  • GDPR Settings.

When you click theGDPR Settings link, a pop-up box will appear. These settings allow you to choose a default Privacy Level for Subscribers who have not yet chosen their personalization level. The following Privacy Level options are available:

  • Personalize each individual’s experience.

  • Personalize each individual’s experience but do not learn about them.

  • Personalize each individual’s experience but do not report on activity.

  • Do not personalize each individual's experience.

You will be asked to check a box and give consent for the updates being made to these privacy settings. If you have the consent of all my subscribers to update their privacy settings, check the box and then click the blue Update button.

For more information, please review: GDPR Settings.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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