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Queue Page

Content Queue, Stories, Sources, Moderated Content, News Digest

Robert Lanckton avatar
Written by Robert Lanckton
Updated over a week ago

The Queue page is a holding area for Content that is finished but is not yet eligible to be sent out inside of the News Digest. In order for the Content to be eligible for News Digests, it must be approved by a Team Member with Approve Content permission.

You can access the Queue page by going to Content > Queue. On the page, you will see your Content in sequential order, starting with the most recent publish start date.

Content Table

On your Queue page, you will see the following columns of information:


This column contains the image and title that will be used to represent the piece of Content, and this is what Subscribers will see inside their News Digest and on the Content Archive page once the Content is approved.

Publish Dates

This column contains the Publish Date, Circulation End Date, and Expiration Date which will be active once Approved.

If you see a green tree and "Never Expires” in this column, this means the Content is Evergreen; therefore, it will never expire unless it is assigned an expiration date.

Please Note: The Content on this page is not eligible for the News Digest until it is approved and it moves to the Approved page, regardless of the dates shown.


This column contains the name of any Segments targeted or restricted to your pieces of Content inside the Distribution Settings.


This column contains the Categories that have been assigned to this piece of Content. Categories can be assigned manually or auto generated if the Content is pulled from a Source.


This column will show if the piece of Content was pulled from a source or if it was created manually. If the Content was created manually, this column will be blank, and if it was pulled from a source, you will see the source title listed.


This column lists all Campaigns the Content is currently added to. Content can be added to up to 4 Campaigns.

Content Actions

Under each post image, you can see the following actions:

Edit Content

Click this icon to edit the Content and make any changes you want before approving it.

View Content (Live View)

Click this icon to view the Content on its own story page, or the page from the source it is pushed from. Note: This is where your Subscribers will be directed when they click on the piece of Content inside of their News Digest once this Content is approved.

Preview Content

Click this icon to preview your Content in a pop-up modal. In this pop-up, you can see details about the piece of Content, view the body text, add Categories, and perform any of the following actions: Edit, View Content, Approve, Delete.

Approve Content

Click this icon to approve the piece of Content to make it eligible to be sent out in News Digest. Clicking this icon will move the piece of Content from the Queue page to the Approved page.

Add to Campaign

Click this icon to bring up the Campaign editor to add or remove this Content to/from a Campaign.

Delete Content

Click this icon to delete a piece of Content. Please Note: Once Content is deleted, you cannot reverse this action.

Expanded View

In the top right corner of the screen, Click the expanded view button to view more details for each piece of Content,

In this view, you will see the summary of each piece of Content that your subscribers will see, you can add Categories, and you can perform any of the following actions: Edit, View Content, Approve, Delete.

Once you are finished in expanded, click on the table button to return to the table view.

Caution: Next to the expanded view icon, you may see another icon. This rounded arrow icon will delete all the expired Content in your Queue. Once the expired Content is deleted, you will not be able to reverse this action.

Sort, Search, Filter

For in-depth details on these options, please review: How to Filter, Sort, and Search Content

Bulk Actions

When viewing your Content, you have the option to interact with each piece of Content individually or you can check the box to the left of each piece of Content to select multiple pieces at once and perform a bulk action. For in-depth details on these actions, please review: How to Use Content Bulk Actions

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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