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Content Distribution Settings
Content Distribution Settings

Posting Priority, Priority Content, Restrict to Segments

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over 5 months ago

Your Distribution Settings are used to configure who, how, and when Subscribers will get a piece of Content across different Channels, as well as enabling social commenting and sharing options for your Subscribers.

To access your Distribution Settings, click on the blue gear icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen when you are editing a piece of Content.

Posting Priorities

In the Posting Priority drop-down, you can determine whether subscribers must receive the Content in their News Digests, where it should appear in their News Digest, and how long it should be included in News Digests.

To determine the priority of your Content and where it will appear inside the News Digest, you will have the following options:

Based on audience interests (recommended): This is the default priority, and it will make your Content eligible to be sent inside any Subscriber's News Digest when their interest preferences align with the Categories tagged to this Content.

To everyone: This will send your Content to all of your Subscribers in their next News Digest, regardless of their interest preferences. Please Note: If you restrict the Content to a Segment, the Content will only be prioritized for everyone in that Segment.

To everyone as the first story: This will send your Content to all of your Subscribers as the first story in their next News Digest, regardless of their interest preferences.

We only recommend using this option for Content of the utmost importance so that your Subscribers will have as much personalized Content as possible.

If you select "to everyone" or "to everyone as the first story," you will have the following options for how many times you want the Content to be delivered to your Subscribers in their News Digests:

  • Just once: This will send your Content "to everyone" or "to everyone as the first story" just once in their News Digests.

  • Multiple times: This will send your Content "to everyone" or "to everyone as the first story" multiple times in their News Digests until the selected pinned date. If you choose this option, you must select a date/time at which the Content will stop being pinned in News Digests. To choose the pinned date and time, select the calendar icon and choose a date/time from the calendar or type the date/time into the blank field.

We recommend selecting just once, so your Subscribers don’t feel as if they are being spammed with the same Content at the top of each of their News Digests.


In the Slack drop-down, you have the ability to schedule your content to send to specific public Slack channels. For information about sending your content to Slack, please review: Sending Content to Slack


In the Mobile drop-down, you can choose to send out push notifications through the Mobile App.

This is useful for Subscribers who are on the go and away from their computers a lot. Sending a push notification is also a great way to draw attention to a piece of Content that is of the utmost importance.

Toggled on: You can select the calendar icon and choose a date/time from the calendar or type the date/time into the blank field. This will send a push notification at that date and time to all your Subscribers who have the Cerkl Broadcast App downloaded.


In the Segment drop-down, you can target or restrict your Content to specific Segments. This is a great way to target Subscribers in specific Segments to ensure they are getting Content that is relevant and necessary for them.

Use the drop-down or type the name of the Segment you would like to target or restrict. After you choose your Segment(s), you can toggle on (or off) Restrict to these Segments.

Toggled on: Restricts your Content to the specified Segment(s). This means your Content will only be shared with Subscribers who are part of the selected Segment(s).

Toggled off: Targets your Content to the specified Segment(s). This means everyone will be eligible to see the piece of Content, but selecting a Segment counts as an interest boost to those in the selected Segment(s).



In the Comments drop-down, you can choose whether or not you want to allow comments on your Content. You can toggle Allow comments on or off.

Toggled on: Gives your Subscribers the ability to comment on your Content in the Content Archive. Think of this as being similar to commenting on a Facebook post!

Toggled off: Your Subscribers will not be allowed to comment on your Content.

Please Note: If you toggle Allow Comments off after the Story is Published, if comments were already made, these previously made comments will not appear.

Social Advocacy

If Social Advocacy is enabled from Content > Controls, Social Advocacy can be enabled for Content to allow Subscribers to share Cerkl hosted Content online. Sharing options are available from the bottom of Content's story page, including the most popular social networks, email, or copying a link to the Content.

Content shared with Social Advocacy will generate access links to a public version. For Private Organizations, access to a piece of shared Content will only provide access to that page, so your Archive or other Content are protected.

Shared Content will be available online to anyone with the URL even if this feature is disabled or if the Content expires. Please consider this before publishing Content with Sharing enabled.

After a piece of Content is shared publicly, if it is required that access is no longer available to anyone, converting to Draft or Deleting the Content will remove access. However, Insights associated with this Content would not be available.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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