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Miscellaneous Sending Controls

News Digest Settings, Suppress Auto Replies, Fallback Subject Line, Minimum & Maximum Content Required to Send, Sending Option

Maddy Rieman avatar
Written by Maddy Rieman
Updated over 7 months ago

While called Miscellaneous Sending Controls, these settings can be just as important to configure when first setting up your News Digest or making changes. You can find them under Settings > Sending Options, under the News Digest tab and below the Personalization Defaults section.

💾 Reminder: Click Save after making changes to keep the selections.

Fallback Subject Line

Custom Fallback Subject Lines are used in the subject lines for Subscribers who have not gone through the personalization process, and it will be sent to Subscribers exactly as it is entered.

To learn more, please review How Subject Lines Are Created

Suppress Auto-Replies

When toggled on, Broadcast will include message headers that attempt to stop email clients, such as Microsoft Outlook, from sending auto-replies in response to your News Digests.

To read more about suppressing these replies, please review Suppress News Digest Auto-Responses.

Auto Adjust Frequency

When toggled on, this feature will automatically decrease the frequency that unengaged Subscribers will receive Content.

Display Percentage Match & Trending

When toggled on, Cerkl Broadcast will display a percent match and trending for Content in their News Digest.

Percent Match: Displays a percent match between the Subscriber and each piece of Content they receive. Each percentage is unique to the Subscriber and is calculated based on their engagement behavior.

Trending: Stories that are receiving high engagement from your Subscribers will be tagged as “Trending” to show Subscribers which pieces of Content are popular among your Audience.

Target Audience

You can choose between the following two options for your News Digest Target Audience:

Send based on opt-in status only (recommended)

Sends your News Digest based on your Subscribers' opt-in status.

Send based on opt-in status and segment

When this option is enabled, you will select which of your Segments will receive your News Digest. Using your Segments, you can add an additional layer of control to who gets your Personalized Digest.

Minimum Content Required to Send

This is the minimum number of stories that must be eligible to send to your Subscribers in your Content Hub. If the number of eligible stories is less than your Minimum Content Required to Send, then your News Digest will not be sent.

We recommend setting this to 2 or 3 so there will likely always be enough Content available to be sent out in News Digests.

Maximum Content to Send

This is the maximum number of stories that can be delivered to your Subscribers in News Digests.

For Example: If your Maximum Content to Send is 5, but you have 10 stories in your Approved tab, your Subscribers will only receive 5 of those selected by our algorithm and your priority settings for the Content.

News Digest Promotions

You can add several static promotional banners to your News Digests which will be included for all of your Subscribers.

For in-depth information, please review: News Digest Promotions.

Holidays and Important Days Scheduling

Our Important Days feature allows your team to decide which dates are important to their organization and when News Digests should be skipped.

Find it under the Important Days tab, and learn more: Important Days.

📖 Recommended Reading: News Digests

Check out these articles to learn more about News Digest settings and features:

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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