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Creating a Blast Template

Blast Templates, Create, New, Creating Templates

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated today

Blast Templates allow you to create layouts with images and branding standards preset. These can be used by your entire team to save time and to encourage creating Blasts using your Branding guidelines.

This article we will explain how to make a new template from scratch, but you are also able to save any already created Blast as a template.

Creating a New Template

To start creating your template, go to Blasts > Templates, then click the New Template button (located in the top right corner of your screen).

After you click New Template, the Blast Template Editor will open. You'll know you're in the Template Editor because of the yellow start icon next to the Template Name at the top of the editor.

Here you can add Elements from the right panel of your screen into the editor, like you would when creating a Blast. Blast Templates can use all of the same Elements as any Blast. For information about Blast Elements, please review: Introduction to Blast Elements

Sending Info, Audience Info, Attachments are only available when creating a Blast Draft in preparation for sending.

Template Actions

Above the editor, you will see all the following information:

Template Name Field

In this field, enter a unique name for your Template.


Click this to save your template. Templates do not support autosave.

When you save your template for the first time, it may ask you to enter a name. Any other saves will show you this message: “Saving this file will override any existing versions. This action is permanent and cannot be undone.”

Save As

Save As allows you to save your changes over your existing template or create a new template. On click, you will be asked to give your template a name - If you enter the same name as an existing template, it will ask if you want to overwrite the existing template.

If you enter a new name, it will save your changes as a new template. To confirm after saving, you will see the template's name change in the top left corner of your screen.


When you click this, you will have the following two options:

  • Preview: This will open a pop-up modal where you can preview what your Blast Template will look like on both desktop and mobile.

  • Send Sample: This will open a pop-up modal where you can decide which email(s) you want to send the sample Blast Template to.


Click this to exit the Blast Template Editor.

⋮ Ellipsis Menu 

These additional options provide the following options:

  • Download as HTML: This will download the template as an HTML file.

  • Template Settings: This will open a pop-up modal where you can choose different settings for your template, based on the same Blast Email Settings:

    • Suppress Auto Replies

    • Full Width Email

    • Text Options

    • Backdrop Color

    • Footer Options

    • Personalization Field Fallbacks.

Blast Footer settings for Templates will always use the default options selected under your Blasts > Controls Footer settings. The footer can be edited, enabled, or disabled when creating a Blast from the Template.

Manage Access

Adjust access permissions to either Restricted to Admins and certain Team Members or Global access available to everyone on your team.

After you save your template, you can edit it or create new Blasts with it from the Blasts > Templates page. Learn more: Blast Templates.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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