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Blast Templates

Template Blasts, Find your Templates, Create a Template

Robert Lanckton avatar
Written by Robert Lanckton
Updated over a week ago

If you want to save time when creating your stellar Blasts, or you need help formatting one to your liking, Blast Templates are the way to go. Here you can learn how to access templates and what you can do with them.

Using Templates

Creating New Templates

If you want to create a new template, click the New Template button (located in the upper right hand corner of the Blasts > Templates page). Once you click this button, the Blast Template Editor will open, and you can begin to create your Blast Template!

For more information on creating templates from scratch, check out this article.
If you would like to learn how to save a Blast an already created as a template, check out this article.

Using Existing Templates

From Blasts > Templates, you'll see a list of available Templates which have already been created. When you hover your cursor over the template of your choice, you can choose from Template Actions (Three Dot Menu) or Create with Template.

On hover, you'll also see Thumbnail Preview and Details: (who created the template and when it was created) in the bottom left corner of each template card. You can also view the date a template was last used under the name of each template, which is located at the top left of each template card.

Creating With Existing Templates

There are two places to locate Blast Templates: when creating a Blast or inside the Templates tab in the left hand menu.

1. Using a Template when Creating a Blast:

Go to Blasts > Create New > look under Recent Templates and locate the template you would like to use. If you do not see your template, you can view additional templates that may not fit on the page by clicking the paging buttons at the bottom right of the screen.

Note: Once you have dragged an Element into the Blast editor, the “Recents Templates” section will disappear and you will no longer be able to use a template for that Blast.

2. Using the Templates Page

Go to Blasts > Templates and then you are able to look at the following pages:

  • My Templates

    • Here you will see all the templates that you have created inside of your Instance.

  • Recently Used

    • Here you will see templates that you or any of your Team Members have used to create a Blast, create a Draft, or schedule a Blast.

  • All Templates

    • Here you will see all the current templates in your Instance that have been created by you, other Team Members, and the Cerkl Broadcast defaults.

If you do not see your template on the page, you can view additional templates that may not fit on the page by clicking the paging buttons at the bottom right of the screen.

Template Actions

If you click on the three dots in the upper right-hand corner of your template, you can perform the following actions:

  1. Preview Template: Click this to preview what your template would look like on Desktop and Mobile.

  2. Edit: Click this to open the Blast Template Editor and make edits to your existing template.

  3. Rename: Click this to rename your template in the pop-up modal. Once complete, click Save.

  4. Copy to Child Cerkl: Click this to copy the template to one of your Child Cerkls. To do this, select the Child Cerkls from the list and click Submit to complete this action. Please Note: This option is only available inside the Parent Cerkl.

  5. Duplicate: Click this to open a copy of your existing template.

  6. Delete: Click this to delete your template. Please Note: You cannot reverse this action once it is complete.

Sort, Search, & Filter

Under Blasts > Templates, each template section (My Templates, Recently Used, and All Templates) allows you to locate templates easily.

  1. Sort:

    • In the drop-down list next to Sort By, you can look at your templates by Date Last Used or Date Created.

    • You can also select whether you want your templates sorted from newest to oldest (down arrow) or oldest to newest (up arrow). To do this, click the arrow to the right of the drop-down box to change its orientation, and then click Sort to see the results.

  2. Search:

    • Click the search bar and type in the template name or the creator you are trying to locate. Then click the blue search icon.

  3. Filter:

    • If you click the blue filter icon in the top right of your screen, you can select your filters and then click the Apply Filters button to see the changes. Below are the options you can filter by:

      • Filter by Date Created

      • Filter by Date Last Used

      • Filter by Creator

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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