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Pulse Survey Element Overview

Pulse Survey, Blast Survey Element

Melissa Siegel avatar
Written by Melissa Siegel
Updated over a week ago

By including a Pulse Survey element in your Blast, you'll be able to do a big picture pulse check on the engagement, interest levels, and feeling of your audience from the Blast's Insights. Pulse Survey's will be available for 30 days for subscriber's from the date the Blast was sent, allowing plenty of time for users to respond to the Survey.

Adding a Pulse Survey

Here are some simple steps (and tips) for adding your Pulse Survey:

  1. Drag and drop the Survey element into your Blast. You can only have one Pulse Survey per Blast. Once a Pulse Survey is used, the Element will be presented in a disabled state.

  2. Type your question.

    Example questions:

    • How would you rate your onboarding experience?

    • How are you feeling about your job today?

    • Have you heard about our new feature?

    • How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend?

  3. Select your survey type:

    • Range

    • Positive/Negative

    Pro Cerkler’s Tip: Range type is best used for questions like How would you rate your onboarding experience? or How are you feeling about your job today?

    The Positive/Negative survey type is best used for questions like Have you heard about our new feature? or Would you prefer a catered lunch for the company picnic?

  4. Choose your reaction style:

    For range survey type:

    • Likert Scale

    • Stars

    • Numeric

    • eNPS

    For positive/negative survey type:

    • Thumbs Up | Down

    • Check | X

    • Yes | No

  5. Optional: Modify the Confirmation Text that will appear on the submission landing page. Note: You can also change the layout of the Survey by clicking on the Layout tab for maximal beautification!

  6. Once you are finished, click Keep.

Email Landing Page

After a Blast recipient chooses their response, they will be brought to the landing page. On the landing page, the user will see the survey question, the pre-populated response selected from the Blast, and the Submit button.

Before clicking Submit, the user can change their selection if desired. After submitting, the user will get a confirmation page with the message that the communicator places in the Element, if available.

Subscribers can only submit one response to a survey. Once submitted, there are no opportunities to delete or change the response.

Pulse Survey Insights

Individual subscriber data is not available for Pulse Survey responses, as they are designed for pulse checks. Additionally, subscriber's are more likely to respond when individual data is not attributable. Responses are grouped based on the reaction style selected. For Retargeted Blasts, results combine both the original and the retargeted Blast responses.

After your Blast is sent out, you can view the metrics behind your audience’s responses. To access those, Click the name of the Blast in your Blasts > Sent list, or search for the Blast in Insights > Blasts > Metrics.

Below Metrics click the tab labeled Survey. You will see the follow summary and insights for the Survey:

  • The question asked

  • An overview of the responses including a count of total responses,

  • Response rate

  • Average response OR percent positive depending on the survey type,

  • The most common response*

  • A bar chart of responses that reflect the Feedback Scale that you used.

When there are multiple responses that we are able to clearly show are the most common responses, a star will appear in that box.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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