GDPR Settings

Default Personalization Settings

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over a week ago

For Subscribers who have not yet personalized via the Welcome Email or their preferences page, personal interest profiles can still be built based on the stories they interact with regularly. To learn more about your subscriber data regarding interests and categories, please review: Categories Explained.

The settings for this can be adjusted for all non-personalized subscribers from your GDPR Settings. To find your GDPR Settings, go to Audience > Controls, then scroll to the bottom of the page. Click the GDPR Settings link to review.

GDPR Settings Pop-up Modal

After you click the GDPR Settings link, a pop-up window will appear with four options to choose from, providing different privacy levels for your Subscriber’s default personalization:

Personalize each individual’s experience. (Recommended)

Each Subscriber will have a personalized experience based on their explicit and implicit interests, and Insights will be tracked.

Personalize each individual’s experience but do not learn about them.

Subscribers can personalize through the personalization process and Insights will be tracked, but there will be no personalization based implicit interests.

Personalize each individual’s experience but do not report on activity.

Subscriber experience will be personalized based on implicit and explicit interests, but no Insights will come from these experiences.

Do not personalize each individual's experience.

No personalization will be added to a Subscriber’s experience and no Insights will be tracked.

You must have the consent of your Subscribers to update these settings. If you do, after you select a default privacy level, check the box to the left of “I have the consent of all my subscribers to update their privacy settings.”

When you are finished, click the Update button of the pop-up window to save your settings.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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