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Creating a Dynamic Segment

Segments, Audience, Subscribers

Sam Huber avatar
Written by Sam Huber
Updated over a week ago

Dynamic Segments are lists of Subscribers which are always live, updating based on the prescribed rules selected. For more information about Dynamic Segments, please review: Using Segments - Dynamic Segments.

To create a new Dynamic Segment, go to Audience > Segments, then click the blue Create New button.

By Default, Dynamic will be selected at the top of the page. Then, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Name Your Segment

Type a unique Segment name in the space provided.

Step 2: Add Rules

Rules are the foundation of all Dynamic Segments. They determine who is in and who is out of a Segment. Below are the three variables that make up each rule:

The Attribute: Identifies the field you are looking to filter by default description.

Examples: Job Title, Location, Start Date, Reporting Manager, Email Address, etc. Attributes can be renamed by an Organization to reflect preferences under Settings > Attributes.

The Operator: Defines how you want to search across the selected attribute. We used natural language operators to make this step as straightforward as possible.

Examples: Is, Is Not, Is Blank, Is Not Blank, On or before, Contains, Ends With, etc.

The Value: Defines what criteria you want to use to define your rule.

Examples: A state, job title, number, etc.

By default, the Values list will pre-load the first 100 results of the data available for that attribute, sorted alphanumerically. If your attribute contains more than 100 value results, you can type to search.

Inclusion List

You will use the Inclusion List to denote which groups of Subscribers are Included in your Dynamic Segment.

Exclusion List

You will use the Exclusion List to denote which groups of Subscribers are Excluded from your Dynamic Segment.

Note: An Exclusion List can only be created once there is at least one rule or rule set under the Inclusion List.

Step 3: Add a Conjoining Operator (And/Or)

If you want to make your rule set more granular, you can add another rule to your Inclusion or Exclusion List.

With the And/Or button below your first Rule Set, you also have the ability to create more rule sets under either list inside the Segment. To learn more about the difference between rules and rule sets, please review: Rules vs Rule Sets in Dynamic Segments.

How to add rules and rule sets:

  • To add another rule, click “New Rule” at the bottom of the container (in either list).

  • To add a new rule, click “New Rule Set” underneath the container (in either list).

After clicking “New Rule” or “New Rule Set,” you can select either And or Or.

  • And: This means that both rules must be true for the Subscriber to be included/excluded in the Segment.

  • Or: This means that either rule can be true for the Subscriber to be included/excluded in the Segment.

Pro-Cerkler Tip: Or will expand results. And will narrow results.

An easy way to know the difference between And and Or is to write or say your rule in a sentence in natural language.

For Example:
My Rule - Include Emails that Contain "" And Location is "The Office". This will include only people who are at that location that have an email address ending in

If I replace And with Or, It will include all from the office without regard for their email address, as well as all people with an email address at without regard to their location.

Step 4: Sync Preview

Now that we have finished creating the rules for your new Dynamic Segment, it is time to preview the results in the right side panel. You can do that by clicking the Sync Preview button, which is located directly beneath the rule set.

The Broadcast system will return everyone that meets the criteria defined in the rule set. This may take a few seconds to load, but once it has loaded the Subscribers who meet the criteria will be listed on the right side of the page.

Step 5: Configure Segment Access Permissions

By default, all Segments are created with limited Access Permissions to the Creator and all Administrators. If you would like your Segment available for your entire Team or select Team Members, you can configure permissions by clicking the Lock Button in the top right corner of the Segment creator.

In order to edit Access Permissions, all current rules must be valid, and you will be asked to confirm the name of your Segment - This will save your Segment as it currently exists. Just like Rules, Permissions can always be changed later if you're not yet ready to select specific permissions.

For more information about configuring Access Permissions, please review: Segment Access Permissions.

Step 6: Create Segment

Once everything looks good in the preview, you are ready to create your Segment. To do this, click the Create Segment button located to the right of your Segment's name. If you've already updated Access Permissions, you will see an Update button instead.

Here you will get a pop-up modal showing the following items:

  • Segment Name: The name entered for the Segment. This can be edited in the top left corner of the Segment editor page.

  • Segment Size: The current number of Subscribers included in the Segment, based on the rules and rule sets.

  • Segment Type: The type of Segment. Since you are creating a Dynamic Segment, this field will say Dynamic.

  • Description: Automatically generated based on the rules selected. This can be edited and should be used to describe the intended purpose of the Segment.

If everything looks correct in the pop-up modal, click Create or Update Segment. You will then be taken back to the Segments section of Audience Manager, where you will be able to see your newly created Segment in the table.

Please allow a few minutes for the Segment to synchronize everything. Once complete, the Segment will be available for use everywhere else in the system.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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