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Audience Import Utility

Audience Import Utility, SFTP, Mapped Files, Report Log, Settings

Melissa Siegel avatar
Written by Melissa Siegel
Updated over a week ago

The Audience Import Utility is designed for organizations which use SFTP Audience file uploads. When first setting up Audience file uploads with your Implementation Project manager or Customer Success Manager, this utility allows you to Create a New File Map, as well as review your already mapped files, report log, and adjust settings.

Mapped Files

If your organization already has files mapped, the utility will present you with a list of the currently mapped files in the order of priority.

Here you can see the following:

Reorder Files

Clicking this button will open a modal where you can choose a new processing order. To re-order your files, click the 6 dots and drag and drop the files into the correct order.

Please Note: When the files are sent to Cerkl Broadcast, we will process them in the order that they are assigned. The hierarchy determines which pieces of data are used when there is a conflict. This means that file #1 is the ULTIMATE SOURCE OF TRUTH.

More Options - Ellipsis Menu

Update File Name

Here you can update your file name. File Names to be an exact match to the file name on the SFTP server. This is case sensitive.

File naming best practices:

  • These characters are not allowed /:?"<>|#

  • No two files can have the same name.

  • System names included in the file name so you know where to go to fix any errors.

    • EX: Workday_Employee_Records.csv

View File Map

Clicking this will open a modal where you can see the following:

  • Your attributes you mapped in the file

  • Broadcast Attribute they are mapped to

  • Data types of attributes

  • Who mapped the file

  • When the file was mapped

Delete File

Clicking this will open a modal where you can delete your mapped file.

Please Note: This is a permanent action that cannot be undone. You need to type “DELETE” into the field in order to delete it.

Report Log

Here you can see a per-day report of the successes and failures of your file processing. Report logs can be viewed up to the past 90 days. You can click on a day on the calendar on the left side of the screen to see that day’s processing report.

  • Green = Processed

  • Orange = Skipped

  • Red = Failed

Please Note: When all of the files are not present, you will need to send us the missing files before the NEXT processing time.

Above the table

  • Total Audience: The total number of Audience Members in your Organization

  • Subscribed: The total number of individuals that were subscribed after successfully processing all of the files

  • Unsubscribed: The total number of Subscribers that were unsubscribed after successfully processing all of the files **see note below**

  • Data Conflicts: The total number of conflicts that were found after successfully processing all of the files

Please Note: If the number of individuals that would have been unsubscribed is above the Unsubscribe Threshold established in Settings, we will process the file but SKIP THE UNSUBSCRIBE STEP. If you were intending to unsubscribe that many Subscribers, you will need to update your Unsubscribe Threshold percentage and they will be unsubscribed the next time your files process. The threshold percent needs to be higher than the percent that you want to unsubscribe to achieve this.

In the table

  • Processing Order: The name of your files and the order that they were processed in.

Please Note: Ordering files is how you determine where conflicts will be resolved. Blanks are ignored and will look for the next file with that data.

  • File Found: If your file was sent to Broadcast and we were able to locate it.

  • Records: The number of records that were processed for that file

  • Conflicts: The number of conflicts that were noted in that file.

  • File Report: Downloadable report that will state the conflicts and any validation errors found in each file.

Example Outcome: (Each row is a different day’s outcome)

File Report Conflict Example:

Note: In the Conflict Report, “Attribute” will use Broadcast’s Attribute names.

Please Note: If you send us “Segment JSON” from multiple systems, they are additive and will be an exception to conflicts.

  • Example: System 1 says I should be in Segments A, B, and C. System 2 says I should be in Segments D and E. When processed, these would combine and I would be in all of the Segments (A-E)

Validation Error Types

  • Invalid Data Type: System data type does not match the Broadcast data type that you mapped it to.

    • If you mapped incorrectly, you can edit map and remap any headers that need to be remapped.

    • If you mapped correctly, but the data type in your file does not match our required data type, you will need to “cancel”, fix your file, and start the mapping process from the beginning.

  • Invalid Format: Email addresses, dates, or JSON fields are in the incorrect format

  • Invalid Id value: ID used that is not accepted.

    • Example: Gender can be 1,2,3, or 4, but you entered “5” in your file.

  • Restricted Domain: An email address(es) in the file is not one of the Instance’s allowed domains.

  • Invalid Character: Invalid character is used in the file.

  • Reports to Self: Individual is listed as reporting to themselves

  • Required Missing: Empty values for External Id, Email, or First name columns


Here you can set processing time, email notification settings, and an unsubscribe threshold.

Processing Time

Clicking Select Time will open a modal where you can choose a processing time and time zone.

Please Note: All of your files need to be sent to us PRIOR to your processing time. If we do not have all of your files when your processing time starts, we will skype them completely that day.

Processing Time Toggle:

  • Toggled ON: Processing will begin at the selected time.

  • Toggled OFF: Processing will be halted. You can change this time by hovering and clicking the pencil icon.

Please Note: If you change the file processing time to later in the day after their files have already been processed, it will NOT run again until the next calendar day.

Email Notifications

You can choose who should receive daily file processing reports via email. To update this list, Click Edit Recipients.

Note: Team Members are the only individuals who are eligible to be added as recipients. Admins are locked by default in this list so that they will always get these email notifications.

Unsubscribe Threshold

Here you can choose the percentage of your audience that Broadcast can safely remove if your files tell us to.

  • If a file tells Broadcast to unsubscribe more than the set percentage, Broadcast will run the process and update all of the data EXCEPT for unsubscribes. Broadcast will skip the unsubscribe process in this scenario.

    • This will be denoted in the report log, which will explain how to manually change your unsubscribe threshold.

  • The calculation used to determine if the unsubscribe threshold is met:

    • Unsubscribed /Current Audience * 100 = % Unsubscribed

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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