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Subscriber Plugin

Website Plugin, Invite People to Subscribe, Subscribe to News Digest

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over a week ago

If you would like an easy way to subscribe visitors on your website to your Instance's News Digest, then the Subscriber Plugin is exactly what you need.

The Subscriber Plugin is a pop-up modal that you can add to your website to prompt visitors to enter their email address in the text box. The information they enter in this pop-up modal will be used to add that person as a Subscriber in your Instance.

Any visitors on your site will see this pop-up modal on their screen and have the opportunity to subscribe to your Instance, which is an easy way to get new individuals seeing the information inside your News Digests.

Create a Subscriber Plugin

To create your own Subscriber Plugin, go to Settings > Integrations & Plugins > click Subscriber Plugin.

Once you are inside the Subscriber Plugin Editor, you will see the following (all of which will be explained in more detail below):

  1. Preview

  2. Visual

  3. Messages

  4. Get Code

Plugin Preview

The Preview section shows you a preview of what your Subscriber Plugin pop-up modal will look like on the site you place it on.

This preview will change as you alter the plugin visuals.

Plugin Visuals

The Visual toggle gives you editing options for how your plugin will look. The Visual toggle is broken into three sections:

  1. General Options

  2. Header

  3. Button

General Options

Under General Options, you will see all of the following visual editing options:

  • Ask for Name: When toggled ON, two fields will be added to the plugin: First Name and Last Name.

    Please Note: We recommend toggling Ask for Name ON. If a Subscriber is subscribed with only their email, the first part of their email will be used as their first name inside of your Instance. This means that any personalization field that uses First Name will be using the first part of said Subscriber's email since their first name was not added.

  • Background Color: When toggled ON, a color picker will appear, which allows you to change the background color of the plugin by selecting a color or entering a hex code.

  • Border: When toggle ON, you will be given the following border customization options:

    • Border Size: Use the drop-down to select a border size: 1px, 2px, 3px.

    • Border Style: Use the drop-down to select a border style: solid, dotted, dashed.

    • Border Color: Use the color picker to select a color or enter a hex code for your border color.

  • Float at Bottom: When toggled ON, the Subscriber Plugin will appear floating at the bottom of your screen. After toggling ON, you will be given the following options:

    • Horizontal Position: Use the drop-down to select the plugin position: Left, Center, Right.

    • Slide Delay (seconds): Use the drop-down to select the delay time (in seconds): None, 1, 2, 3.


Under Header, you will see all of the following editing options for the plugin header:

  • Header: Here you can edit the call to action text that is inside of your plugin header.

  • Header Size: Use the drop-down to select the size for your header text: Smaller, Default, Larger.

  • Header Alignment: Use the drop-down to select the alignment of the header in your plugin: Left, Center, Right.

  • Header Color: Use the color picker to select a color or enter a hex code for your header text color.


Under Button, you will see all of the following editing options for the button that is pressed to submit the information entered into the plugin:

  • Label: Here you can edit the text that appears on the button.

  • Background Color: Use the color picker to select a color or enter a hex code for the background color of the button.

  • Text Color: Use the color picker to select a color or enter a hex code for the color of the text used inside of the button.

Plugin Messages

The Messages toggle gives you editing options for the messaging the plugin gives to those who engage with it. Once someone enters their information inside of the plugin, they will receive a message in response. The message will either be in response to having valid information entered and successfully transferring it into your Instance, or it will be an error message stating something went wrong.

The Messages toggle is broken into two sections:

  1. On Success

  2. On Error

On Success

When those who engage with the plugin enter valid information and they have not already filled out the information before, they will either see a success message or be redirected to a different URL (depending on what you select inside the Messages toggle).

Under On Success, you can choose one of the following options:

  • Success Message: If you would like a successful entry to present a message, select this option and edit the wording to your liking.

  • Redirect URL: If you would like a successful entry to redirect the visitor to another URL, select this option and enter the URL.

On Error

An error message will be sent if the information entered into the plugin is either invalid or has been entered before.

Under On Error, you can edit the following messages:

  • Already Subscribed: Here you can edit the message you would like shown if the individual is already subscribed to your Instance.

  • Invalid Email: Here you can edit the message you would like shown if the individual entered an invalid email address.

Get Code

After you are finished creating your Subscriber Plugin and the Preview looks how you would like, you will need the code necessary to place your plugin on the website of your choosing.

To get this code, click the Get Code button (located in the upper right hand corner of your screen).

After you click Get Code, you will see a pop-up modal with two pieces of code for you to copy. The pop-up states where each piece of code needs to be added inside your website:

  • Place this in your site's header content

  • Place this block of code anywhere in the body text where you want this plugin to be displayed

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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