Your News Digest Insights are broken down into three sections: Cerkl Snapshot, Delivery Metrics, Subscriber Metrics.
The metrics you are viewing on this page are based on the selected report period and filters selected from the top right corner. To learn more, please review: Insights Actions.
For information about Content performance in News Digests and other channels, please review: Content Insights.
Cerkl Snapshot
Your Cerkl Snapshot contains four important metrics:
Engagement Score
This score is based on an algorithm which takes into account how Subscribers engage with your News Digest. For example, a Subscriber with an Engagement Score of 50 is considered to have good engagement.
Open Rate
This metric shows the percentage of your audience who opens their News Digests when they receive them. This is calculated by dividing the number of unique times a Subscriber has opened your News Digest by the number of Subscribers the News Digest was delivered to.
Click-Thru Rate
This is the rate that your audience clicks through your News Digest. Click-Thru Rate = Clicks/Opens. For example, if your News Digest was opened 50 times, but only 25 Subscribers clicked on a story, then your Click-Thru Rate would be 50%.
Percent Personalized
This metric is the percentage of your audience that is receiving personalized Content. This number does not only represent the percentage of Subscribers who have gone through the personalization process, but it also accounts for Subscribers who have interacted with enough Content in the past to be able to receive personalized news.
Underneath each of the metrics mentioned above, you will see one of the following three prompts:
"Awesome, Keep it up" in green: This means your current metric is great.
"Almost, Try This" in orange: This means your current metric is decent, but you still have an opportunity to improve. Click on "Almost, Try This" to be taken to a help desk article on how to improve the metric.
"Let's Increase This" in red: This means that you can do much better to improve this metric. We highly recommend clicking "Let's Increase This" to be taken to a help desk article on how to improve the metric.
Delivery Metrics
Here you are given three metrics:
Delivery Rate
This is the percentage of News Digests that were delivered. Delivery Rate = total News Digests delivered / total News Digests sent.
Open Rate
This the percentage of Subscribers that uniquely opened their News Digests when they received them. Open Rate = unique number of News Digests opened / total number of News Digests Delivered.
Click-Thru Rate
This is the rate that your Audience Members (who opens their News Digest) click through it. Click-Thru Rate = total number of unique clicks / total number of unique opens.
You also have the ability to compare the metrics above to the National Average, Cerkls of the same size (these include all Cerkls), and Cerkls of the same industry (these include all Cerkls in your industry.) This comparison percentage is shown in grey under your metrics. To compare your metrics to one of these options, click on drop-down box next to Compare to: in the top right corner of the Delivery Metrics section > select an option from the drop-down list.
Click the right facing arrow next to each one of these metrics to go to your Individual Content Metrics page, where you can look at metrics for the specific pieces of Content.
Subscriber Metrics
Here you are given three key metrics about your Subscribers during the time period you have selected:
Total Audience
These are the total of Subscribers in your Instance.
These are the number of new Subscribers in your Instance.
These are the number of Unsubscribes from your Instance performed by audience members themselves. Integration unsubscribes are not counted in this number.
You can also click the right facing arrow next to each one of these metrics to go to the Audience Metrics page, where you can look at your Audience Insights.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.