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Archive Insights Overview

Content Archive, Archive Metrics, Insights for Content Archive Page

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over a week ago

To view the Insights for your Content Archive page, go to Insights > Channels > Archive.


Inside the Archive Insights, there are six different containers of information:

  1. Archive Activity:

    • Sessions: The total number of times a Subscriber opens the Content Archive.

    • Average Session Duration: The average length (in minutes) of a Content Archive Session during the selected reporting period.

    • Average Clicks/Session: The average number of times your Subscribers clicked inside the Content Archive once they start a Session.

    • Impressions: The number of unique opportunities your Subscribers had to view your Content across the reporting period.

    • Clicks: The number of times a Subscriber clicks on a piece of Content in the Content Archive.

    • Content Click Rate: The rate your Subscribers are clicking on the Content inside the Content Archive.

  2. Activity by Hour: This shows the number of events (impressions, clicks, sessions) on your Content Archive by hour.

  3. Average Session per User: This the number of Sessions divided by the total number of users. This number gives you an idea of how many times a Subscriber starts a Session inside of your Content Archive.

  4. Active Users: The total number of unique users who view your Content Archive in the selected reporting period.

  5. Adoption Rate: This is the percentage of your Audience who are Active Users of your Content Archive.

  6. Active Users Over Time: Shows the Daily Active Users (DAU) over the selected reporting period. To the right of the graph, you can also see the Avg. DAU Percent, Total Unique Users, and Avg. DAU.

    • Average DAU (Daily Active Users) Percent: The percentage of your Audience who visit your Content Archive on average each day.

    • Total Unique Users: The total number of Unique Users who viewed your Content Archive during the reporting period.

    • Average DAU: The average number of active Content Archive users per day.


Inside the Content Archive Insights page, you also have the ability to make the Channels-Archive page your home page and change the time frame of the presented data.

Make Home

Click the Make Home button (to the right of Channels-Archive) to make the Channels-Archive page your Insights home page. If you do this, the Channels-Archive page will be the first page that you see when you click on Insights.

Changing Time Frame

Click the button with the calendar icon on it to change the time frame of the metrics you are viewing. The time frame options are:

  • Today

  • Yesterday

  • Last Week

  • Last 2 Weeks

  • Last 4 Weeks

  • All Time

  • Custom Range: This will allow you to select two dates for whatever range you would like to see.

Cerkler Pro-Tip: The only time frames that allow you to see metrics from today’s date are Today, All Time, and Custom Range (if the range includes today’s date). All other ranges do not include metrics from today's date.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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