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Important Days

Blackout, Holidays, Block, Stop, Skip

Melissa Siegel avatar
Written by Melissa Siegel
Updated over 10 months ago

Each organization has its own list of holidays, communication blackout days, campaign launches and other important dates, and those dates can change year to year. Important Days can help you remind your team about those special days and even skip News Digests if appropriate.

To access this feature, go to Settings > Sending Options > Important Days.

Only Account Administrators can add and/or edit Important Days

Adding an Important Day

To add a new Important Day, click + Important Day on the top right of the page. This will open a modal where you can choose the date that you would like to indicate as an Important Day.


The Details tab allows you to give your Important Day a name and write a message to your communicators with information as to why this day is important. The Title and Message will appear for your Team Members and Admins when they are scheduling communications.


The Settings tab allows you to Skip News Digests on the Important Day indicated. When it is toggled on, no automated News Digests will be sent that day. This will be based on your organization's set time zone. For more information about setting your organization's time zone, please review Organizational Information.

Only one Important Day can be scheduled for a given day.


You can Edit, Duplicate, or Delete an Important Day using the ellipse menu.

Click Edit to open the Important Days modal and update any necessary information. Click Duplicate to open a copied version of the Important Day. This will copy all of the existing information excluding the date. Click Delete to remove the existing Important Day from your organization’s list.

Deleting an Important Day is a permanent action and cannot be undone.

Calendar View

On the Important Days page, you can view a month-to-month view of all of your organization’s Important Days. Each month is ordered by upcoming events at the top, and past events are sorted separately below. The calendar on this page will show the following colors based on their status:

  • 🤍 White: Does not have an Important Day

  • ❤️ Red: Has an upcoming Important Day that is set to skip News Digest sends

  • 💛 Yellow: Has an upcoming Important Day that will not skip News Digest sends

  • 🩶 Grey: Has a past Important Day of any kind

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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