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Specific Blast Metrics

Blast Metrics, Blast Links, Blast Acknowledgment, Survey, Blast Insights

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over 11 months ago

For an overview of a specific Blast's metrics without leaving the Blasts tab, click on the Ellipsis menu beside the Blast's name from your Blasts > Sent list, and choose Quick Insights.

The Quick Insights modal allows you to view unique opens and clicks, as well as open and click-through rates.

Full Insights

For a full view of the Blast's metrics, click View Full Insights from the Quick Insights modal, or navigate to Insights > Blasts > Metrics. This page includes two sections:

  • Overview (located at the top of the screen): The same metrics that were listed on the previous page (Insights > Blasts > Metrics)

  • Metrics: Insights related to Audience Members, Links, Surveys, and/or acknowledgments.

If a Blast was Retargeted, the pages for both the original Blast and the Retargeted Blast offer an easy link to jump between the Insights of each Blast under the Blast Name.

Audience Metrics

Once you click on a Blast's name, you'll see the Audience tab under Metrics is already selected by default. This tab will allow you to review metrics related to the Audience Members this Blast was sent to.

In the Audience Metrics table, you will be presented with the following columns of information:

  1. Full Name: The Subscriber’s name (as entered in your Instance).

  2. Email: The Subscriber’s email.

  3. Opt-In Status: The Subscriber’s opt-in status.

  4. Delivers (Del.): The number of Blasts delivered.

  5. Opens: The total number of times the Blast was opened.

  6. Unique Opens (U. Opens): Counts the first time a Subscriber opens a Blast.

  7. Clicks: The number of times a Subscriber clicks inside of a Blast.

  8. Spam Reports: The number of times the Blast went to spam.

  9. Bounces: The number of times the Blast bounced from the Subscriber’s email address.

Blast Link Metrics

Once you click on a Blast's name, you can click the Links tab (located under the Metrics section) to see metrics related to each link included inside the Blast.

In the Links Metrics table, you will be presented with the following columns of information:

  1. URL: This is the URL that was linked inside of the Blast.

  2. Clicks: The total number of times Subscribers clicked on a link inside the Blast.

  3. Unique Clicks (U. Clicks): Counts the first time a Subscriber clicked on each individual link inside the Blast.

  4. Click Rate: The unique rate that Subscribers who opened the Blast clicked each individual link inside of it. The formula to calculate this is (Unique Clicks / Unique Opens).

Audience Metrics for Specific Links

If you would like to see which specific Subscribers clicked on one of the links inside of your Blast, click on the URL inside the table. Once you click the URL, you will see a list of Subscribers who have clicked on the link and the metrics associated with each of them.

You will see the following columns of information on this page:

  1. Name: The name of the Subscriber that clicked the link.

  2. Email: The email of the Subscriber that clicked the link.

  3. Clicks: The total number of times the Subscribers clicked the link.

  4. Unique Clicks (U. Clicks): Counts the first time a Subscriber clicks the link.

  5. Opens: The total number of times the Subscriber opened the Blast.

  6. Unique Opens (U. Opens): Counts ONLY the first time a Subscriber opened the Blast.

  7. Delivers (Del.): The number of Blasts that were delivered.

Blast Acknowledgement Metrics

Once you click a Blast's name, you can click the Acknowledgment tab (located under the Metrics section) to see metrics related to the acknowledgment inside the Blast.

In the Acknowledgment Metrics table, you will see the following columns of information:

  1. Audience Member: The names and emails of the Audience Members that received the Blast with the acknowledgment.

  2. Open: If the Audience Member opened the Blast containing the acknowledgment, this is indicated by a green checkmark. If they have not opened the Blast containing the acknowledgement, this is indicated by an "x".

  3. Date Acknowledged: If the Audience Member clicked on the acknowledgment, this column will contain the date they acknowledged the Blast.

Blast Survey Metrics

Click the Survey tab to see metrics related to the Pulse Survey sent in the Blast or Retarget. Individual subscriber data is not available for Pulse Survey responses. Responses are grouped based on the reaction style selected. To give you a full picture of your Pulse Survey results, the responses are combined from the original Blast send and a Retargeted send.

In the Survey Metrics display, you will see the following information:

  1. Question: The Survey question asked in the Blast.

  2. Reaction Style: The reaction style (range or positive/negative) that your Subscribers were able to respond with.

  3. Total Responses: The total number of Subscriber responses to your Survey question.

  4. Response Rate: Percentage of Blast Audience who responded to the Survey. Calculated by the Total Responses divided by the Blast Audience.

    ​For example, if you send the Blast containing the Survey to 10 Subscribers and 4 respond to the Survey question, the Response Rate would be 40%.

  5. Average Response: Numerical if range type, Percent Positive if positive/negative type.

  6. Most Common Response: Response with the highest number of Subscribers

When we can clearly identify the most common responses, a star will appear in that box.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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