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Channels - Intranet (Glossary)

Insights > Channels > Intranet

Maria Steinberg avatar
Written by Maria Steinberg
Updated over a year ago

These terms (definitions + examples) are listed in alphabetical order below:

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Active Users

The number of unique Intranet users in the selected reporting period.

EX: If Subscriber “A” logs into your Intranet 2 times today and Subscriber “B” logs in 3 times today, this metric will show 2 active users.

Adoption Rate

The percentage of your Audience Members that are active Intranet users.

Adoption Rate = (Active User / Total Audience) * 100.

EX: If you have 200 Audience Members and only 40 of them use your Intranet, your Intranet adoption rate would be 20%.

Average Clicks/Session (clicks per session)

The average number of times your Subscribers clicked inside of your Intranet once they start a Session.

Average Clicks Per Session = Unique Clicks / Sessions.

EX: Subscribers “A” and “B” log into your Intranet. Subscriber “A” clicks on 10 separate Stories, and Subscriber “B” clicks on 4 separate Stories. These Subscribers will have an average of 7 clicks per Session.

Average Session Duration

The average length (in minutes) of an Intranet Session during the selected reporting period.

Average Session Duration = Total Number of Minutes / Total Number of Sessions

EX: If your Intranet logs 50 Sessions last week with a total of 500 minutes, the average Session duration for that week would be 10 minutes.

Average Sessions per User

The average number of Sessions that active Intranet users log during the reporting period.

Average Session per User = Total # of Sessions / # of Active Users

EX: If there are 10 active users on your Intranet and they track a total of 50 Sessions last week, the average Sessions per user for last week would be 5.

Avg DAU (Average Daily Active User)

The average number of active Intranet users per day.

Avg DAU Percent (Average Daily Active User Percent)

The percentage of your Audience who visit your Intranet on average each day.


The unique number of times a Subscriber clicks on a piece of Content inside your Intranet.

EX: If a Subscriber clicks on 3 separate pieces of Content inside your Intranet, they will record 3 clicks.

Content Click Rate

The rate your Subscribers are clicking on the Content that is presented to them on your Intranet.

Content Click Rate = (Total Unique Clicks / Total Impressions) * 100.

EX: If 10 pieces of Content appear on your Intranet (impressions) and I click on 3 separate pieces of Content (unique clicks), my Content click rate is 30%.


The number of unique opportunities your Subscribers had to view your Content on your Intranet across the reporting period.

Note: An impression does NOT mean that the Subscriber engaged with the Content. It just means that the Content appeared on their screen.

EX: Subscriber “A” is shown 7 pieces of Content inside your Intranet (logging 7 impressions), and Subscriber “B” is shown 9 pieces of Content inside your Intranet (logging 9 impressions). These Subscribers would log 16 impressions.


The number of times a Subscriber opens your Intranet.

Note: Sessions are kept alive by Subscribers continuing to interact with Content. If they do not continue interacting with Content, the Session will expire, and a new Session will start next time they open the Channel.

EX: If a Subscriber logs into your Intranet 2 times in one day, there will be 2 Sessions recorded for that day.

Total Unique Users

The number of users who used your Intranet during the reporting period (counts ONLY the Subscriber’s first use).

EX: If 20 Subscribers used your Intranet last week and 5 of those Subscribers used your Intranet twice last week, the total number of unique users would be 20.

Traffic Volume by Hour

The number of events (Impressions, Clicks, Sessions, Dismiss) on your Intranet by hour.

EX: If 725 Audience Members accessed your Intranet at 1 pm over the past 4 weeks, the bar chart will show 725 Audience Members accessed your Intranet at 1 pm over the past 4 weeks.

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