The Blasts > Recent page shows your Instance's five most recent Scheduled, Sent, and Drafted Blasts.
Here you can perform many of the same functions with the most recent Blasts in each section. On this page, you can sort your Blasts by clicking the drop-down box next to Sort By, and you can use the Search bar to search for a specific Blast.
Below is all the information you will see under the Scheduled header:
This column shows you the name of the scheduled Blast, the date/time the Blast is scheduled to be sent out, and the name of the Blast creator.
If you click on the name of the Blast, the Blast Editor will open, where you can make edits to your drafted Blast.
⋮ Ellipsis Menu
When you click these dots, you will have these options:
View Audience: Review the audience list of who this Blast will be sending to.
Edit: Opens your scheduled Blast inside of the Blast Editor, allowing you to review the content, make changes, and reschedule or cancel the scheduled send.
Manage Campaigns: Opens a pop-up where you can create, add, or remove the Blast from Campaigns to which it is assigned.
Cancel Send: Cancels the scheduled send and return the Blast to your Drafts.
Delete: Delete your scheduled Blast all-together.
Please Note: Once you delete a Blast, it is gone forever. Our system does not hold onto any information from our users once it is deleted.
Below is all the information you will see under the Sent header:
This column shows you the name of the sent Blast, the date it was sent out on, and the name of the Blast creator.
⋮ Ellipsis Menu
When you click these dots, you will have these options:
View Insights: Opens specific metrics for this Blast inside your Insights.
Duplicate Blast: Makes a copy of the sent Blast and immediately opens the copy in the Blast Editor. From where you can edit, save, schedule, send, etc.
If you do not do anything, leaving this page will delete the duplicate.
Manage Campaigns: Opens a pop-up where you can create, add, or remove the Blast from Campaigns to which it is assigned.
View Blast: Opens a preview modal where you can preview your Blast on both desktop and mobile.
Shareable Link: Generates a shareable link for your Blast.
Below is all the information you will see under the Drafts header:
This column shows you the name of the drafted Blast, the date the Blast was last saved, and the name of the Blast creator.
⋮ Ellipsis Menu
When you click these dots, you will have options:
Edit: Clicking this will open your drafted Blast inside of the Blast Editor.
Duplicate Blast: Clicking this will make a copy of the drafted Blast and open the copy in Blast Editor, where you can then edit, save, schedule, send, etc.
Manage Campaigns: Opens a pop-up where you can create, add, or remove the Blast from Campaigns to which it is assigned.
Delete: Clicking this will delete your drafted Blast all-together.
Please Note: Once you delete a Blast, it is gone forever. Our system does not hold onto any information from our users once it is deleted.
If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.