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Team Member Permissions

Team Member, Edit, Permissions, Team Member Information, Definitions

Maddy Rieman avatar
Written by Maddy Rieman
Updated today

Each Team Member has their own set of permissions for what they do and do not have access to inside of your Instance - Administrators are a specific type of Team Member, and they are the only ones who can manage Team Members.

To review and manage the Team Members page, go to Settings > Team Members. For information about managing your Team, please review: Team Member Management.

Please Note: Only Administrators can alter these permissions. If you are not an Administrator and you want to change your permissions, you will need to talk to an admin to accomplish this task.

Review Current Team Member Permissions

To see which permissions a Team Member already has, the Team Member Card displays a summary of their permissions and information. There are three ways to access the Team Member card from Settings > Team Members.

  1. Simply click on the Team Member’s name.

  2. Click on the Ellipse menu button to the right of the Team Member’s name, then click View.

  3. Click on the Administrator or # Permissions link under the Permissions column.

Permissions Tab

The default tab that will appear is the Permissions tab, which displays the actions that the Team Member can and can’t do.

Select the Edit Team Member button if you need to make changes to a Team Member's permissions.

For information about what each permission allows, please review the section below: Permission Definitions.

Details Tab

Under the Details tab, you can view information about each of your Team Members such as:

Email Address

The email address used for that Team Member in your Instance.

Date Added

The date and time that the individual was added as a Team Member in your Instance.

Added By

Who added this individual as a Team Member in your Instance.

Last Login

The date and time that this Team Member last logged into your Instance.

Total Posts

The total number of content that this Team Member has created as new. This does not include users who hit "publish" on a draft or authors.

You also have the ability to Edit Team Member information or permissions on the bottom right in the Details tab.

Permission Definitions


Full access to all features and Settings, plus the ability to add, edit, or delete Team Members. Admins are specifically noted with a Crown Icon when shown.

Create Content

Create Content for your organization's Content distribution.

If a Team Member has the Approve Content permission, Content they create will skip the Queue and go straight to Approved.

If they do not have the Approve Content permission, Content they create will go into Queue for another user to approve.

Approve Content

Edit and approve Content to be made available for your Content Channels.

Manage Content Settings

Add Content Sources, update Content Controls.

Manage Audience

View, Add to, change, delete, and update your Audience and Segments.

View Audience

View all Audience members from Audience tables.

View Segments that are Globally available, or Restricted Segments that are shared with the specific team member.
If disabled, Team Member with Blast and Insights access can still review Audience Members in those sections.

Manage Audience Controls

Toggle settings for: Welcome Email, Allow Unsubscribe, Show GDPR Compliance, and Allow Domains. This control also gives the Team Member access to add domains that can either be restricted or allowed by your Instance.

Create Blasts

Create a Blast for your Audience Members. If this Team Member does not have the Send Blasts permission, the Blasts they create require another user to schedule or send.

Create from Templates

Users with this permission enabled and Create Blasts disabled can only create a new Blast using Templates or by duplicating another Blast. These users cannot create new Templates. When editing Blasts, access to remove or add elements is fully enabled.

Send Blasts

Schedule and send a Blast to all or part of your Audience.

Manage Blast Controls

Create Sender Proxies and set default branding for Blasts.

View Insights

View, create, and share reports about your Content, Blast, and Audience performance.

Manage Settings

Change all Settings, including Branding, sending, and style defaults. This permission does not include access to manage Team Members.

If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or use the support Chat toward the bottom right-hand corner of any page.

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